Sunday, December 9, 2007


It was the dead of winter and totally freezing, but Tara wanted to look as tan as possible for her sorority formal that night. Plus, her skin was basically her outfit for the party…She wasn’t really planning on wearing anything but duck tape over her extraordinarily small nipples. Tara didn’t believe in fake baking, but why not get her spray tan on? It looked great…just as she had hoped! So she slapped the duck tape over her nipples and headed off to the party for a good ol’ time. She even found a pretty hot manweight between all the drinks, dancing and socializing. She ended up bringing him back to her room where he preceded to rip off her…well, tape, and started licking, sucking and doing whatever they do. When Tara awoke in the morning, she stood in front of the mirror. She had not heeded the advice of the tanning salon and had gotten her spray tan wet (yes, saliva does count, she learned). She had white lick marks all over her chest, which starkly contrasted with the rest of her that was still that lovely tropical bronze. (Not to mention the redness left by the duck tape). She shrugged her shoulders (also oddly streaked) and thought about how warm that manweight had been. It had been warmer than any sun that would’ve given her a real tan.

Meredith met this particular manweight in no particularly special way. She was at a bar, Swift, and thought he was cute. She started making eyes at him to get his attention…and it worked! He came over, rescuing her from a total sleezebag who was hitting on her. He was her knight in an oversized football jersey. They talked and then they left and decided to walk and get pizza, they even exchanged numbers. He was so nice…but was he too nice? When he called the next day (an unexpectedly nice move since the usual wait time for a manweight to call is between 3-7 days), Meredith was pleasantly surprised and thought, what’s so wrong with him, why is he being so nice? The least she could do was give his manweight a try. So they had a lovely dinner at a delicious Mexican restaurant, Rosa Mexicana and went back to his place to watch a dvd. It was an oddly civilized date for Meredith. She was pretty happy and was even happier when they started to make out on his couch. He took off her shirt and slid her pants down. He then carefully removed each sock. He touched her feet, looked at them, and said, “I hope you don’t mind, I have a thing for feet.” Meredith had never run into a manweight with a foot fetish before and a girl who was willing to try anything once, she allowed him to proceed to kiss and suck her toes. It felt weird and kinda cool, but she was just so intrigued by how much FootWeight, as we’ll call him, was into it. Not 3 minutes later, he started moaning. Then he stopped. He had just cum! It was too strange for Meredith. She wanted weight not a wet foot massage. But for any of you ladies who enjoy a good sucking, FootWeight would be your man!

Ella was abroad in Portugal and being that she was a very cute girl, it didn’t take long for her to find her a very cute piece of Italian manweight (she always had a thing for the Italian men). He was 6 feet of pure Italian, grade A sexy, complete with beautiful, soft, olive skin and deep brown hair with a gentle curl to it. He didn’t speak any English, but when you are fluent in hot guy (the language of manweight) the English was the last thing on Ella’s mind. For the basic communicating, like where they should have a drink, get drunk, dance and make out, they relied on broken Portuguese. After a lot of drinking and making out (and of course very little speaking), they made their way back to Ella’s home-stay apartment. It was 5 am and asking this manweight to come in was out of the question. It wouldn’t really be, oh, appropriate since she lived with a Portuguese couple in their 60s and it was made very clear that “guests” aka manweight, was not permitted. Where else could they go…but the elevator! Eurika! A small place, totally private, if there are no other passengers. Besides that, who would really be going or coming (fine, cumming maybe) at this hour? So in the elevator Ella and her manweight went! And did they go at it! Ella finally realized the function of that handrail that lines the backs of some elevators: It’s to prop your leg up on when attempting to have crazy monkey sex in an elevator. (Cue unexpected elevator stop). As the door slowly opened like a Times Square peep show, it revealed Ella and her ElevatorWeight, as he would forever be remembered, in their crazy, monkey position, which included her rather small hand on his rather large dick. Unfortunately the poor, old senora (and her neighbor) didn’t pump in any quarters for this pervy show. She stood there in total shock. The two monkeys erupted into laughter until the doors closed again. They decided to keep riding the elevator until he finished. (Yeah, he finished all over her black pants, which went unnoticed for 3 days until she was wearing the pants again. Sick). As long as there’s a weight, there’s a way!

Your Votes Are In...

47% of voters say that UnavailableWeight is a HeavyWeight.

Nick aka UnavailableWeight

Location: New York
Hometown: New York
Occupation: executive legal recruiter
Favorite Bars: XR Bar, Bar 13 and Sin Sin
Favorite Restaurant: Jean Claude and Bar Pitti
UnavailableWeight's exclusive interview and his advice to women looking for a little bit of ManWeight. Let us know what you think.